From February to May Animando, the music promotion centre, is presenting further events in the “eighteenth century music in Lucca” project. There’s a round table, a film, an evening of baroque dance and five concerts. Naturally there will be performances by Lucca composers such as Francesco Barsanti, Francesco Geminiani, Luigi Boccherini, with the focus on Giacomo Puccini senior, towards whose full appreciation animando’s artistic director, Silvano Pieruccini, has been working for some years. In addition, there will be works by other baroque composers such as Antonio Vivaldi, Giuseppe Tartini, Giovan Battista Viotti, from Bologna (where Francesco Manfredini from Pistoia trained) to Tommaso Traetta from Naples. Free admission.

On Monday, February 29th, at 9.30 pm, at the S. Micheletto centre there’s a screening of the historic-music feature film “Tutte le mattine del mondo” (“All the world’s mornings”) (1991) by Alain Corneau (see photo) in collaboration with the Lucca Film Club.

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